Your challenge: You are developing a product strategy or working on (re)structuring your portfolio strategy. To do so, it is essential for you to know the current movements in the market and to keep an eye on your competitors. You need support with trend scouting or the creation of trend reports.
What we do: Wild & Root takes over the trend scouting for your industry, product or product group, and creates trend reports. Get to know your market from a new perspective and keep an eye on your competitors. Wild & Root supports you in making food trends and industry trends specifically usable for your company. Based on our market analyses, we support you in developing your product strategy or in structuring your portfolio strategy.
Outcome: Wild & Root designs trend reports, which we will gladly tailor to your company needs and adapt to your current challenges. We explore the latest food trends with you and find adequate reactions to developments in your market environment. The report presentation is designed in an interactive manner: Get to know a product haptically, meet speakers from the startup scene and test prototypes for innovative product lines of your brand.
Our Wild & Root tip for Trend Reports: Design presentations in an interactive way. Don’t just talk about products, bring them along so your colleagues can taste them. Invite startup founders or other inspiring speakers to whom workshop participants can ask questions. This is how you go from knowing the trends to actively adapting them for your own business.